Write to Elder Farmer!
Elder Darrik F. Farmer
Missao Brasil Maceio
Rua Dom Antonio Brandao, 333 sala 402
Ed. Work Center, Farol
Maceio, AL 57021-190
I have updated Elder Farmer's address above...
and here is a few pictures from him. He says that everyone likes to do this to their bananas!

(I'll have his updated address for you soon! sorry!)
I am going to try and post a picture every week for all you Elder Farmer V lovers out there! This week it will be this one...

My mom sent him this tree and 12 presents for the 12 days of christmas! She is awesome and Darrik, I mean Elder Farmer loved that all the other missionaries were jealous!
For those that want to see what's going on with Elder Farmer... here are some pics!
L: Elder Johnson (Rexburg, ID) R: Elder Rire (San Louis, Obispo)
they are going to Ribeirao Preto

Elder Farmer's companion (Elder Holbrook- Williamsburg, Virginia) on his bed- Darrik's is on top

Desk Area: Darrik's closet on right

View of courtyard/ gardens from room

Darrik & his companion

The room

View of the city: the city is huge! tall buildings for miles & miles- makes NY look like a small town!

With Elder Lobo (native). Darrik loves him! He is helping him learn the language and he will also go to his mission.

The Gardens

The Mailboxes: Darrik wishes he got more mail! :) *hint hint*

The Track: so small! 14 times around is one mile. The church bought this narrow strip (the ctm is behind).

The Gym: volleyball & Basketball- Brazilians are awesome at volleyball!

The fron of the CTM (pronounced "say-te-emy"). The largest church building outside of N America.

This is the Guard Hut. The area is kinda scary so they hired a company for security. To enter you have to close the first gate- close it behind you, swipe card, and then other gate opens.

This is where Devotionals & Firesides occur- last Saturday(Oct. 25th) Richard G. Scott came and Darrik got to shake his hand!

So these past few weeks/months have been a real blessing to me. When I first recieved my call and it was over 4 months away, I was not excited to wait that long. But I've come to realize that the time has been a great opportunity to study and prepare and to get into "missionary mode."
I have boughten a lot of my stuff already. I have my one suit that ill wear only twice on my mission (going to the MTC in brazil and returning home). I have half of my shirts and all of my pants. I also have my shoes. Man are they comfy! I have never had any shoes so comfy as these!
I am preparing now for my farewell talk and i cant wait to give it. Im excited about the topic. I only have 16 days until I leave on the plane to head for brazil! I cant wait!!!